Social Ammunition Films — Projects

Lipstick Traces

Limited Series - Production

Lipstick Traces Set in a hyper-realistic version of Manhattan's Lower East Side, thematically, Lipstick Traces deals with topics such as morality, existence, and ethics. Yet the grand theme here is nothing short of personal existentialism. In a world that has experienced a brush with death, one must find one's way independent of experience; does one live for today or plan for a tomorrow that may never come.
Read more about Lipstick Traces, or request a Business Plan here.

Chasing Rainbows

Feature Length Drama - Development

Keeley Shantz stars as Comedian Penn Tannenbaum Chasing Rainbows is a dramatic comedy and a classic tale of pursuing one's dreams. A young comedian, Penelope ' Penn' Tannenbaum, quits her day job as an entertainment journalist to work for her comic idol, only to find herself trapped between obscurity and stardom. Penn perseveres and triumphs over her domineering mentor and, once successful, discovers the way up is also the way down.
Read more about Chasing Rainbows, or request a Business Plan here.

Mr. Jack

Limited Series - Script

Mr. Jack After a self-imposed exile, artist, Val Shepard, returns to New York City with the intention of picking up the life he left behind. Upon His return, Val meets Jackson King, 'Mr. Jack' and by living vicariously through Mr. Jack, Val discovers what he could have accomplished had he not succumbed to his fears. and in doing so, sets into motion a cascade of events that destroys all which he cherishes.
Read more about Mr. Jack, or request a Business Plan here.