Social Ammunition Films

Chasing Rainbows

Chasing Rainbows: Feature-length Drama in Development

A story of human aspiration and overcoming the odds that will appeal to all audiences

Chasing Rainbows

The Story

A young comedian, Penn Tannenbaum, quits her day job as an entertainment journalist to work for her comic idol, only to find herself trapped between obscurity and stardom. Penn perseveres and triumphs over her domineering mentor and, once successful, discovers the way up is also the way down.

Principle Cast

Penn Tannenbaum played by Keeley Shantz
Rico Rothstein played by Bill Funt
Sadie Holmes played by To Be Cast
Ari Waxman played by To Be Cast
Emily Donahue played by To Be Cast
Rosemary Tannenbaum played by To Be Cast

A Dramatic Comedy in the vein of Wes Anderson and the Cohen Brothers

Chasing Rainbows is a dramatic comedy and a classic tale of pursuing one's dreams. It employs traditional storytelling devices such as; human ambition and the cycle of fame and fortune, a classic rags-to-riches tale. These story archetypes will resonate deep within audiences, assuring its acceptance and mass appeal.

The principal character of Penn Tannenbaum represents the pure essence of human determination. She is the classic Girl Next Door character that everyone can identify with and root for. Yet she is not perfect; she has flaws that will put her into predicaments that will make the audience show compassion for her all the much more.

Told in an archetypal full-circle style, Chasing Rainbow will have an inherent appeal to audiences and is destined to become an instant classic.

Keeley Shantz stars as Comedian Penn Tannenbaum

Collateral Artwork for Chasing Rainbows featuring Keeley Shantz as comedian Penn Tannenbaum


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