Lipstick Traces: Limited Series in Production

An Art House Soap Opera

Lipstick Traces

The Story

After her boyfriend, Arlo Tyler, tries selling her on the black market to pay off a drug deal, Jade Morrison strives to put her life on track amongst the challenges and provocation of the Lower Dark Side of New York City.

Set in a hyper-realistic version of the LES, thematically, Lipstick Traces deals with topics such as morality, existence, ethics, and Impertinence. Yet the grand theme here is nothing short of personal existentialism. In a world that has experienced a brush with death, one must find one's way independent of experience; does one live for today or plan for a tomorrow that may never come.

The Cast

Alaska played by Ashlie Burgun
Arlo Tyler played by Raymond Turturro
Faroe Goldstein played by Patrick Heraghty
Hennessy Bardot played by Keeley Shantz
Jade Morrison played by Arielle Hope
Katrina 'Kat' de Loquence played by Aline Decat
Mr. Hammersmith played by Jeffrey Roth
Sergio Diaz played by Anthony Torres
Topper Harrison played by Connor Browne
Zuzanna ZieliƱsk played by Agnes Artych
Directed by Mick Lexington

The Numbers

Lipstick Traces has appeared in 60 Film Festivals worldwide and won 25 awards. More impressive, Lipstick Traces has a 50% festival acceptance rate, according to Film Freeway. In short, one of every two festivals entered selects Lipstick Traces to be a part of its program, which illustrates its potential popularity.

With an ensemble cast of 10 characters representing all major character archetypes, every viewer will have a character they can identify with. Whether it be the contemplative Jade Morrison, to the repetitive Arlo Tyler, The capricious Hennessy Bardot to the cunning Mr. Hammersmith, all viewers will have a character to root for.

Filmed on location in New York City with a skeleton crew, Social Ammunition has been able to develop Lipstick Traces on an economical budget. This efficient approach to shooting the introductory episodes of the series will afford Social Ammunition and potential partners a greater return on investment or the opportunity to use these episodes as a blueprint to re-shoot in higher fidelity with a deeper understanding of the vehicle.

Social Ammunition Films on-set with Arielle Hope and Keeley Shantz.

Arielle Hope and Keeley Shantz on-set filming Lipstick Traces with Mick Lexington, James M Graham, and Joseph Parks.


Social Ammunition Films utilizes a proprietary artificial intelligence software developed by This data-driven AI program analyzes the components of the production and compares these to a database of 400,000 films/series, 1,800,000 talents, and 59,000 scripts and dialogues. The result is a forecast of the potential success of the production in Ratings and Streaming-forecasts, as well as various assorted production analytics. To view the project analytics please request a copy of the business plan.

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